Wearing Sunscreen Is Essential but Lowers Your Vitamin D

Doctors did a clinical review of lots of clinical trials and discovered that wearing sunscreen lowers your vitamin D production by 99 percent. But you definitely need to wear sunscreen – so here’s what you should do!

Good morning readers! Sorry I haven’t written in awhile. I guess the summer’s come and I got kinda lazy to write because of the hot weather and fun stuff to do. But I’m here now because I came across something surprising that’s related to your immediate health – sunscreen usage.

Doctors went through a lot of published studies and clinical trials, then discovered that the world’s population has been experiencing gradually lower and lower vitamin D levels through the years up to the present. They say that wearing sunscreen is one cause of these declining vitamin D levels. They found that wearing sunscreen with SPF 15 or more stops your skin from making vitamin D by 99 percent.

But for the love of your health, do not stop wearing sunscreen!

Instead, you should just boost your vitamin D levels by buying mushrooms at the store and letting them do all the dangerous UV radiation bathing for you! It turns out that mushrooms make vitamin D too when they’re exposed to sunlight. If you leave mushrooms out between ten in the morning to two in the afternoon, they’ll have produced enough vitamin D for you to meet your daily requirements. You only need to keep them by your sunlit window for about two or three hours!

Then, if you eat a cup of mushrooms everyday (you could split it between salads and side dishes for dinner entrees and lunch sandwiches), it should give you roughly between 80 to 100 IU of vitamin D. The best mushrooms to choose are shiitake or chaga because they’re loaded with cancer-fighting antioxidants and other miraculous compounds that doctors are studying for use as supplements for chemotherapy.

Alternatively, some health stores sell mushrooms that have already been bathed in the sun. They market them as mushrooms with “high vitamin D content” and charge you like a buck or two more. I don’t know about you – but I really don’t wanna spend $1 or $2 extra in the long term if all I need to do is leave my mushrooms out by the window for two hours in the morning.

Why Is Vitamin D Important?

You probably aren’t sure what vitamin D really does. That’s understandable because it’s been underestimated for the longest time. But now experts are increasingly trying to raise awareness about vitamin D and its impact on your health.

It turns out that vitamin D is exactly as important as calcium for your bones. Without vitamin D, your bones can’t use calcium (and other related minerals, like phosphorous) to strengthen themselves. Vitamin D is also necessary for your gut to absorb calcium in the first place. In fact, vitamin D deficiency causes some of the same bone diseases as calcium deficiency, like rickets and osteoporosis.

But vitamin D might actually be even more important than calcium when you consider your holistic health. Vitamin D has been found to play a huge role in your immunity – vitamin D deficiency makes you more likely to catch colds, and when doctors gave flu patients vitamin D supplements, they were only sick for two or three days with lessened severity of their symptoms. Having higher levels of vitamin D has been found to lower your risk for many cancers by up to 50 percent, and for types of cardiovascular disease by up to 300 percent.

Having high levels of vitamin D has also been linked with helping prevent diabetes and treating depression. Researchers are still continuing to find links between vitamin D and many other conditions!

So yeah – make sure you get your vitamin D by eating your sunbathed-mushrooms. It’s really important for your health. Don’t think that going out in the sun with your sunscreen is still letting your skin make vitamin D – because it isn’t really. And don’t take a shortcut by not wearing sunscreen – you don’t want to get skin cancer or get premature wrinkles do you?