To all you mom’s out there – Happy Mother’s Day! And to all you kids out there, here are some healthy presents I recommend buying your mom for Mother’s Day.
It’s that time again – the day you show your mom how much you appreciate that she labored for 9 months to make you alive. Not to mention the actual painful giving birth. Then she had to deal with raising you. So one day out of the year, people got together and decided we should all dedicate it to your mom’s efforts (whether they paid off or not)!
But Mother’s Day presents can be healthy rather than unhealthy and super flashy. What better way to show your mom you care about what she’s done for you than to better her health, right? Here are a few I recommend:
1. Some Very Healthy Dark Chocolates
If you’re going to buy your mom chocolates, you gotta go with dark chocolate because it’s like almost 100 percent cocoa. Experts found that if you eat dark chocolate often, it lowers your risk of heart disease by almost 6 percent. Even better – it helps you lose weight too because some of cocoa’s compounds block your body from absorbing fat from the food you’ve eaten and for other reasons that researchers are still investigating.
Cocoa’s compounds have also been found to amp up your brain power for like three hours because they increase oxygen flow to parts in your brain. Oh, and they also give you a high that’s even better than a passionate kiss!
2. Mixed Raw Nuts
Everyone enjoys a bag of mixed nuts! If you’re going to buy your mom some nuts though, choose Brazil nuts, almonds, and walnuts in raw form. Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, which neutralizes any mercury coming from eating fish or from your environment. Your body also needs selenium to make its free radical-fighting antioxidants. Almonds are rich in vitamin E, which is great for your skin. Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, as well as copper and manganese, which are rare vital minerals. All nuts are also rich in protein without giving you the increased cancer risk that comes with eating meat.
3. Earthing Shoes
I wrote about earthing earlier. Standing on the ground barefoot allows Mother Earth’s healing electrons to flow into your body and neutralize harmful free radicals. Earthing lowers your overall inflammation and pain, keeps your blood pressure low, and helps prevent cancer and diabetes. It also gives you a better night’s sleep, lowers anxiety, and boosts your body’s ability to heal wounds.
But like I said before, earthing barefoot is dangerous because of parasites in the ground that can enter through your feet, and not to mention the fertilizer and other toxins people put in the ground that can come in contact with your skin.
That’s why it’s best to do earthing while wearing earthing shoes that don’t insulate you from the Earth’s natural electrons.
4. A Bouquet of Healing Flowers
If you’re going to buy your mom flowers, make sure to add these flowers with healing scents: lavender and Provence roses. Their scents contain compounds that have been found to lower inflammation and pain, while also boosting your memory and relieving anxiety. Lavender’s compounds have also been found to help treat Alzheimer’s and protect your nervous system. But all of these effects have been studied using the flowers’ essential oil form – so these healing properties are weaker coming from the natural flowers.
And that’s it! If you truly love your mom – care for health just as she cared for you by buying these for her on Mother’s Day. Or you can add them to the presents you’ve already bought.
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